READY-MADE RESOLUTIONS FOR INTERNETers * Stop neglecting children; at least learn their names and birthdays * Read all of the mail from all of the groups I have subscribed to * Limit my subscriptions of groups to a maximum of fifty * Back-up 2 gig hard drive weekly; well, maybe at least monthly * Not rush to any ftp site as soon as I hear of a new Beta * Insist that all "ten best" lists be strictly limited to ten * Not buy magazines with AOL disks just to get another 1.44MB disk * Answer Snail Mail with the same enthusiasm & promptness as e-mail * Spend less than two hours a day on the Web; on new sites anyway * Promise when I hear "Where do you want to go today?", I won't laugh * Think of a password other than "password" to use on web sites * Never "throw" another snowball via e-mail; at least not 'til next year